6th Grade Language Arts Expectations


2015 - 2016

Welcome! A new year is upon us and we are looking forward to providing the best possible learning experience to help you become an active, contributing, and intelligent individual. The information below will be useful throughout the year, so keep it in a safe place!

CLASSROOM RULES             

The following rules are enforced to help everyone be successful…

1.  BE PREPARED! Bring ALL books, notebooks, pens, pencils, supplies, and *assignments to class.    There will be no trips back and forth to the other classroom for items that you should have).

2.  LISTEN! When directions are being given, listen and follow them the time they are given.  Raise your hand if you have something to say.  Don’t interrupt others.

3.  BE KIND AND COURTEOUS! Respect others and their things.  Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.  Don’t touch others’ property.  No name calling or talking back to the teacher or fellow students.

Disrespectful behavior towards any individual will not be tolerated!

4.  THINK CRITICALLY!  Use your brain and your creativity.  You “can’t” do anything if you don’t try.

  • No gum and/or candy in school.
  • Follow all rules as outlined in the 2015 - 2016 Student/Parent Handbook and Calendar (see the FCCSC Website for 2015 - 2016 Handbook).

The above rules are in place to help you and your classmates. If you choose to break any of the above rules the Mt. Carmel Discipline Policy will be enforced. Detentions given will need to be signed and returned within three days. 


                                       FCCSC GRADING SCALE

A+       100% 

A         99-93 %          

A-        92-90 %

B+       89-87%

B         86-83 %         

B-        82-80 %       

C+       79-77%

C         76-73 %           

C-        72-70%

D+       69-67 %         

D         66-63 %           

D-       62-60 %         

F         59-0 %          


I simply ask students to follow the Life Goals:

Do the right thing.

Treat people right.

I expect the following Lifelong Guidelines from my students in order for their educational experience to benefit themselves as well as their classmates.

Active Listening



No Put Downs

Personal Best

  • If homework has been assigned, have your homework complete and ready to turn in at the beginning of class. (This includes having your name, date, bell time, and the assignment on top of the paper.)
  • Write down each class assignment in your assignment book everyday! This takes less than 30 seconds per class!


Assignments are expected to be turned in on the assigned date, however, if there are unforeseen circumstances (family emergency, etc.) a student may turn in their assignment up to one day late with a 50% deduction from the grade earned. However, if turning in the assignments late becomes a habit of any student, they will no longer be afforded this privilege.

When a student’s absence is EXCUSED, he/she is permitted to make up all work missed. It is the STUDENT’S RESPONSBILITY to initiate request for make up work.  To encourage timely make up of missed work, students have a time period of two (2) days per each day of class to hand in missed assignments or tests.  The office has a daily list of work assignments and/or you may find assignments on the teacher’s website.  The student may pick up a list from the office or get the assignments from a dependable student. Students must notify the teacher if he/she needs to make up a quiz/test and arrangements will be made within the given time. You can not make up work if an absence is UNEXCUSED.

Long term assignments, projects and tests that were given in advance must be turned in on the day you return to school from your absence. If you are not in a class for any reason but you are here at school, you must turn your work into the teacher or in the office that day.

If you miss any class time, you must go to the office and get an admit slip before the day/bell begins. You must turn in the admit slip to the teacher before class begins and it will return it to you before the end of class. Do not interrupt class or ask to get a permit slip in the middle of class.  Again, it is your responsibility to get your admit slip and turn it in to us for a signature.  Work will not be given until we see your admit slip!


Copying another student’s homework/quiz/project/test will not be tolerated! Copying the work of others will result in no credit for all persons copying or giving answers to others. Refer to handbook!


Pens are not allowed for any quiz or test in the core classes.  You will be warned the first time. Percentage points will be deducted if the offense continues.



Mrs. Drudy- tdrudy@fccsc.k12.in.us


Listed below are some examples of expected behaviors of our students.

1. Students shall treat others with respect and consideration.

2. Students shall behave in a socially responsible manner in the building. Public display of affection is not allowed.

3. Students shall follow all directions given by school personnel.

4. Students shall be on time and at their scheduled place throughout the day until dismissal.

5. Students shall come with and supplies to every class. Book bags may be used to and from school. They may not be carried throughout the school day.

6. Telephones, picture telephones, pagers, cd/mp3, cameras, radios, video games, card collections, laser lights, watches with remote control and any other objects that are disruptive to the educational environment are not permitted in school. If the student has the items out during school, they will be confiscated and kept in the office until school is officially over at the end of the day or until a parent comes to the school to retrieve it.

7. Depending on the situation involving the items listed above the student could face additional consequences.

8. Be considerate of others in the halls and classrooms.

     A. Keep halls open to traffic by walking on the right half of the halls.

     B. Do not block traffic by standing in groups.

     C. Pass through the halls quietly because of other classes in progress.

     D. Discard trash and paper in the containers provided. Help keep the school clean and neat by picking up paper and materials from the floors and hallways.



Purpose: The purpose of this K-8 discipline policy is to create and foster a safe learning environment for students and staff. A structured discipline plan will ensure that all stakeholders: students, staff, and parents have a common understanding of appropriate school behavior and an awareness of consequences of misconduct. The discipline plan will help students develop the ability to exercise self-control and self-discipline in the school setting.

The following is a list of major offenses, which shall result in an automatic referral to the office for a Building Administrator/teacher/student conference and may result in suspension from school:

Major offenses include but not limited to:

            · Profanity (language or gestures) directed at another person

            · Verbal or written threats

            · Fighting

           · Insubordination (repeated)

            · Vandalism (to school or personal property)

            · Stealing

            · Possession or distribution of dangerous and/or illegal substances

            · Possession or distribution of dangerous and/or illegal items

            · Sexual harassment (unwelcome or unwanted sexual behavior, including pulling down another student’s clothing) Inappropriate language

            · Disrespectful behavior / Insubordination

            · Insubordination

            · Any other offenses as delineated by the FCCSC Parent/Student Handbook and/or Indiana code 

The following is a list of minor offenses, which will first be dealt with in the classroom with warnings, time outs, parental contact, and other classroom management techniques. 

Minor offenses include but not limited to:

            · Horseplay/Roughhousing

            · Not prepared for class

            · Bringing items from home that are disruptive

            · Inappropriate hallway behavior

            · Chewing gum/candy

            · Excessive talking

            · Throwing objects in the classroom

Upon receiving the fifth (5th) consequence, a conference may take place upon the request of a teacher, administrator, or parent to discuss the student’s behavior at any point in the discipline process and/or place the student on probation for Challenge.  A parent letter will be sent advising them of the total number of disciplinary actions and the intervention that is suggested by the student, teacher, or administrator at the intervention conference. A “Behavior Contract” will be created for the student and parent to sign indicating their understanding of consequences for further misbehavior.


After 9 absences from Challenge class per semester without a medical note he/she shall be considered at-risk for attendance and placed on Challenge probation.  NOTE: Excessive medical notes shall come before the ARC Committee for special review. A signed medical release of information may be required. The Building Administrator has the discretion to discontinue accepting medical notes.